
In HA mode, you can have several servers running on separate machines. Only one server will be able to run the pipeline at a time. If a machine fails, another will take over.


  1. Install WaterGrid-Python pip install watergrid==1.0.1

  2. Install Redis (or use the PipelineLock class to create your own global mutex).

  3. Create a pipeline and run it.

from watergrid.pipelines.ha_pipeline import HAPipeline
from watergrid.steps import Step
from watergrid.context import DataContext
from watergrid.locks import RedisPipelineLock

class SampleStep(Step):
    def __init__(self):

    def run(self, context: DataContext):
        print("Hello World!")

def main():
    pipeline_name = "sample_pipeline"
    redis_lock = RedisPipelineLock()
    # Call redis_lock.set_XXXX to configure connection properties if needed.
    redis_lock.connect() # Required by RedisPipelineLock, does not apply to all locks.
    pipeline = HAPipeline(pipeline_name, redis_lock)
    while True:

if __name__ == '__main__':

If Redis is not running on localhost on port 6379, you can call redis_lock.set_XXXX() to set those values accordingly.